2023/6/25 「まだ、黙らない」


スケジュール Schedule:


 13:00~13:20 受付け


1pm-1.20pm Registration

Please complete registration at a reception under a tent. You’ll be given a numbered ticket and flyers.


 13:20~14:00 オープニングイベント


1.20pm-2pm Opening event

Opening remarks from the organiser, sharing messages of support from local governments, messages from participants, warm-up exercise


 14:00~15:00 パレード


2pm-3pm Parade

Start from Eki Mae Kouen, walk through Nikoniko Street and Shinmachi Street (from the intersection at the east side of the Aomori Prefectural Police Headquarters) and come back to Eki Mae Kouen. The whole course should take about 1 hour.


 15:00~15:30 閉会式・写真撮影


3pm-3.30pm Closing event and group photo

After the parade, there will be a group photo time as usual. Those who don’t want to show their faces can still be in the photo by covering your photo with a flag which we will distribute. You can, of course, choose not to be in the photo at all.















  • 参加の上で困ったこと、気になることがございましたら、遠慮なくスタッフにお声がけください。

  • 撮影禁止エリアを設けています。エリア内を撮影することは多大な人権侵害に繋がります。

  • 撮影禁止エリアのみならず、会場内の撮影については、許可なく他人が写りこむことのないようにご配慮ください。


  • 車椅子、ベビーカー同伴、補助犬、移動装具などでお越しの方への配慮をお願いします。

  • 密集した場所で声を出す際には、マスクを着用してください。

  •  撮影禁止エリアにおいても、沿道からの撮影などを100%禁止出来るものではありません。顔などを隠す(サングラスやマスクなど)、ご自身にとって必要な対策をしていただくようお願いします。


  • 誰もが安全に、安心して参加できるパレードを目指しています。ご協力お願いします。




  • If you feel that you’re in trouble or you have any concerns, please feel free to approach any of our staff members.

  • There will be a no-photo zone. Taking a photo of this zone can seriously violate the human rights of others.

  • When you attempt to take photos in the venue, not limited to a no-photo zone, please make sure that no one is in the picture without their permission.

  • Please make sure that you have permission from those who are in the photo before you share the photo with others.

  • Please be mindful of participants in wheelchairs, with strollers, assistance dogs, mobility aids, and others.

  • Please wear a mask when you speak in a crowded area.

  • We can’t completely prevent photos from being taken from the street even in a no-photo zone. Please take necessary measures for yourself including by covering your face (with sunglasses or masks).

  • Aomori Rainbow Pride takes place on the principles of human rights of LGBTIQ+ people. No discrimination, prejudice, hatred and expression of similar kinds will be tolerated.

  • We aim that everyone is safe and feels a sense of security in this parade. We call for your cooperation.